In Two Thousand Eight

It’s a brand new year with brand new
possibilities—Go for it!
Look back and determine what you can
do to make improvements over last
Reflect where you have been:
What blessed you? What hindered?
What worked for your good? What
How did you get there?
Was it a good trip?
If not, how could it have been

Look ahead, using your 20/20
Where are you going?
Do you have definitive goals.
How do you get there?
Eliminate what failed previously.
Get good directions from God before
you start.
Is this the route Jesus would take?

You may have to leave your comfort
zone to arrive at the destination that
God has planned for you. Since the
future is unknown and you have never
been there before, you will need an
accurate map with the route marked
clearly. The directions will only
have the next step mapped out, and it
may nearly scare you to death; but you
are following One who knows the way
and will not lead you wrongly. Bruce
Wilkerson said, “When God gives you a
dream, it’s never in your comfort

Open your mind to receive inspiration
of the Holy Spirit. He will place
insightful thoughts and previews of
coming attractions.
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so
is he…” Proverbs 23:7).
You might not get it right the first
time, but you haven’t failed until you
fail to get up and keep going.

Before leaving the children of Israel,
Moses gave them explicit instructions
on how to be successful in claiming
the land promised to them through
their forefather, Abraham.
“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto
the statutes and unto the judgments,
which I teach you, for to do them,
that ye may live, and go in and
possess the land which the LORD God of
your fathers giveth you” (Deuteronomy
No other nation had the advantages
they had; no other god was able to
make such promises, much less fulfill
them. Only their God, who gave them
commandments which would enrich their
life and lead them to the Promise Land,
was powerful enough to orchestrate the
successful invasion and occupation of
this Land.
“And what nation is there so great,
that hath statutes and judgments so
righteous as all this law, which I set
before you this day. Behold, the LORD
thy God hath set before thee: go up
and possess it, as the LORD God of thy
fathers hath said unto thee; fear not,
neither be discouraged” (Deuteronomy
4:8, 1:21).
When they finally overcame their
fears, under Joshua’s leadership, they
entered the land which God had
prepared. The harvest was ready for
them, cities were already built;
everything God had promised lay before
them. All they had to do was follow
His directions and “Go get it.” There
were giants in the land, but God told
His people to go unafraid, because He
would deliver the giant King Og and
his people into their hands.

Go for it, but go with God for
victory. If He says, “Take the
spoils,” take them; if He says, “Burn
them,” then burn them (Deuteronomy
3). You see, God has it all planned
out. All He needs is for us to follow
His map and take the right route.

“But ye that did cleave unto the LORD
your God are alive every one of you
this day” (Deuteronomy 4:4).
Cleave, as in “Super Glue,” to the
Lord. Let nothing come between you
and Him, and He will direct your path
straight to victory. Don’t let
anything distract you from following
after, pursuing, the Lord.
“Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye
forget the covenant of the LORD your
God, which he made with you”
(Deuteronomy 4:23).

Take full advantage of the
opportunities of the coming new year.
Don’t allow what is happening around
you to affect you negatively or become
discouraged. God will honor His Word
and bless you as you “Go for it” and
cleave to Him. Don’t let failures of
the past year(s) cause you look back
with regret. You can’t change
anything that is now history, but you
can make new history and live in the
blessings that God already has set in
motion for you.

Every day is an opportunity to start
over. That’s what grace is, and mercy
bought it for us at Calvary. Since
Jesus paid such a high price for our
freedom, should we not pull out all
stops for Him and “Go for it”? We
can’t even imagine what the results
and rewards will be like.

Dream your dream. Cooperate with God
and allow Him to make it happen. Get
your foot off the brake of doubt and
with faith in gear—
“Go for it!”

"Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow;
I’ll go with Him, with Him, all the

Have a wonderfully blessed New Year!
