Were On His Mind
He Was On the Cross
A popular song says,"
He was on the cross, I was on His mind.”
So were you! As was every person who has ever lived on
this earth.

One of the hardest things
for my mind to grasp is that His mind was on me
at this most crucial time in His life. I can visualize
the eyes of Christ looking at the masses and
seeing the
sin-laden world and giving His life to redeem them, but
me? Who am I that I would claim His attention while He
hung on the cross dying for the sins of the “world.”
am not a notably important person, not known in
influential circles, never held a political office or
accomplished a great feat that brought the world’s
accolades. So, why would the King of Glory think of me,
when His body was wracked with pain, His heart saddened
because His Father from whom He had never been apart had
forsaken Him? Did He
think about heaven’s splendor that
He had left to come to this earth—to die? Its
magnificence is beyond the realm of imagined vision.

Moses asked God, “Who am
I” to go to Pharaoh to deliver the children
of Israel (Exodus 3:00). He knew of others whom God
would do well to consider for the job.
David asked that question
when the prophet Nathan informed him of the prophesy of
David’s unending kingdom (1 Chronicles 17:16). The
prophesy reached forward into time and saw Jesus hanging
on the cross to free mankind of the bondage of sin and
its penalty; it reached out to the empty tomb and
resurrection of the “Son of David” who would show mercy,
and judgment as King of Kings.

Is it any wonder then
that I would wonder? Another gospel song says, “Who am
I that
a king would die for?” I still don’t have the
answer—except that He loves me! I will
have to filter
that thought through my renewed mind as the
Holy Spirit enlightens me, because it is beyond human understanding.

“He healeth the broken
in heart, and bindeth up their wounds”
(Psalm 147:3).
Though wounded Himself and broken in heart, His concern
was for me!

I did nothing to earn His
Love nor can I do anything to achieve salvation; it was
astonishingly all done by Grace as Mercy reached my
repentant heart. All I can do is “work out my
salvation” (Philippians 2:12) to maturity by that which
God has already worked in me. Can you see how easy this
is for me; but look
what it cost God! It’s free to me, but it surely wasn’t

Jim Elliot, a missionary
killed by Indians in Ecuador on a mission to them said, “He is no
fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he
cannot lose.” What God has given
us who receive His
Love is security; it is secure because He is the Agent
it. We can’t save ourselves; we can’t keep
ourselves saved; it is completely in God’s hands as
accept that incomprehensible Love. Our part is to
receive. What is hard about that?

So, as I wonder, the
question lingers of how Jesus could have me on
His mind when He was on the cross. The answer? Because
it was I for whom He was dying! I was the
object of His
affection. It was for me that He endured the suffering
and shame of the cross. It was my sins that held Him
there, not the nails! He could have called a
of angels and annihilated those who framed Him in an
illegal trial, those who ordered His death, and He could
have just walked away from it all. But, thank God! He
didn’t! Why?
Because I was on His mind, and He knew my terrible fate without His help.

Because of Him, I am now
“innocent” in spite of all my failures. They were all
nailed to His cross as He pleaded “Guilty” of my crimes
against God. And
God heard Him and accepted it! Not only did He accept
the substitute for me, He pronounced me “innocent”! The
“Lamb of God” took away my sin and
the sins of the whole world. Yes, you were on His mind,
too. You see,
He took our place.

One could take another’s
place for a capital crime, and the guilty one go free;
but he
would still be guilty. His pardon didn’t take
away his guilt. What Jesus did for us is to “take away”
our sins, obliterate them, erase the slate as if they
had never occurred and declare us to be innocent. Hard
to digest, isn’t it? We might still ‘feel’ guilty, but
that’s because “the accuser of the brethren,” Satan,
wants us to remember our sins so we will forget what
Jesus did for us.

Consider the cross;
consider your sins under the nails, consider the Love
that held the Man there. Then with grateful heart and
thanksgiving, remember that “You were on His mind when
He was on the cross” and; because of that, you are
innocent! You are loved!
Yes, He saw us from the
cross; and, indeed, we were on His mind!
“…the Lamb [that’s Him!]
shall overcome them [that’s Satan and his hordes]; for
he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that
are with him called, and chosen, and
faithful [that’s
us!]” (Revelation 17:14).
Delores Adams
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.
