"Now God worked unusual
miracles by the hands of
Paul, so that
even handkerchiefs or
aprons were brought from
his body to the
sick, and the diseases
left them and the evil
spirits went out of them"
(Acts 19:11-12 NKJV)

Jesus has the answer to
every problem you have.
Broken Heart
Talent Development
Anything Else You May Be
In Need Of

"Cyber-Handkerchief" has been
anointed and prayed over
by several believers who
care about you and want to
help you realize your full
potential in Christ Jesus
Our Lord. (See list at
bottom of page.)

Prayer is work, but prayer
works! We are instructed
to pray for one another.
Would you join us in
prayer for this prayer
project that needs would
be met and that our Lord
would be magnified in a
needy world?

Please feel free to print
this page as your "point
of contact" and use it as a
handkerchief." If you
would like to include it
in your website,
we would appreciate a link
to Heart 2 Heart.

Please feel free to copy
or print the "Prayer
Handkerchief" below
as a reminder that Jesus
is all sufficient and He
loves you more than
you can imagine. He wants you to be successful and happy. Keep
the "Handkerchief" visible
to remind you that God’s
promises are for YOU.
Again, remember, a
handkerchief or any
object has no power of
its own. It is
just an exercise of
using it as a contact to
release your faith in
our Lord's ability and
willingness to touch us
with His healing hand.
Anointing any
handkerchief (cloth or
cyber) represents the
Holy Spirit which
dispenses healing from
the hand and heart of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God touch you in
every place you have a
need that only He can
fill !

Prayer Handkerchief
Print the image or the
Heart 2 Heart
Contact me

the Lord, O my soul; And
all that is within me,
Bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His
Who forgives all your
iniquities, Who heals all
your diseases,
Who redeems your life from
Who crowns you with
And tender mercies,
Who satisfied your mouth
with good things,
So that your youth is
renewed like the eagle’s."
(Psalm 103:1-5 NKJV)
"Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today, and
(Hebrews 13:8 NKJV).
"I am the Lord God who
heals you" (Exodus
"He healeth the
broken-hearted and binds
up their wounds"
(Psalm 147:3 NKJV)

"As you take a breath say
to yourself: As this
physical breath I am
taking in is cleansing the
blood in my lungs from all
impurities, so the breath
of God, when I take it
within my whole being,
purifies my inner life."
Quoted from Abundant
Living by E Stanley Jones.

If you would like to share
some answered prayer or
desire of your
heart, please let us know
so we can rejoice with
you. If you are
joining us in this project, we would love to hear from you. Our
email address is below.
Some of the prayer
warriors who have anointed
and prayed over this
"Prayer Handkerchief" are
listed here. If you wish
to write to anyone in
particular on the list, please
contact them at
put their name in the
"Subject" line and it will
be routed to them.

Rev. Monroe ("Grady") &
Faye Coleman, Kentucky
Rev. Jerry & Lorinda
Grubbs, Michigan and
Congregation of Faith
Tabernacle; 1606 Electric
St; Lincoln Park, MI
The church phone number is
Rev. Arthur (Raymond) &
Linda Rose, Michigan
Church phone is
Congregation of Faith Way
Assembly, 7330 Pelham Rd;
Taylor, MI
Jean Tackett, Kentucky
Shirley Miller, North
Delores Adams, Michigan

"The Lord bless you and
keep you;
The Lord make His face
shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His
countenance upon you,
And give you peace"
(Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV)

Alice's Legacy
Remembering Alice
Ten Commandments~