Will this year be a repeat of
the same old habits, making
same old mistakes, same old
discontentment's? Or will this
New Year bring to you a fresh
change in your habits, brand
new and wonderful experiences and satisfaction in your heart?
Our lives are comprised of numerous adventures
and this year we can plan
these adventures in faith.

Righteousness, right standing
with God, only comes through
our faith in the completed
work of Christ. When Jesus was
crucified on the cross and died for our sins, He became sin for
us, and the punishment that
would have come to us for our
were placed on Him. The
Righteousness that we obtain
through faith in Him not of
our own works.

We accept that Jesus bore our
sins and our sicknesses that
through Him we are forgiven of
all of our wrong and healed
from all our diseases. We can
boldly come unto the throne
of Grace to find help in our time of need
(Hebrews 4:16).
Boldly because we are
righteous, not of ourselves
but our
righteousness is the
righteousness of Christ. Our
faith in Him
and all that He has already
done for us is our opportunity
freely receive all that He freely gives to us.

It is more blessed to give
than to receive. It is
wonderful to be a receptor of
his goodness, mercy and grace.
How much more will blessings
come to us if we freely give
this Love to others. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Our part is to receive the
blessings of God, and to
receive these blessing we must
decide to follow His way and
allow it to be shown through
our lives, our choices, and
our commitments to follow His

Live righteously this year.
Live a life that is worthy of
the righteousness that has
covered you. Following His
will and
His way will bring untold
blessings that will unfold
before you throughout all of
your life. Walking according
to His will and
being committed to His way
will allow the blessings of
God to
come upon you and over take
you as you walk in right
paths. Commitment with
consistency is the secret to
this new life.

"Father in the name of Jesus
Christ, I pray that I will
a heart more open to hear your
voice and sensitive enough to
know the needs of others and help them. I pray that I will have
a renewed mind and a receptive
spirit to do your will that I
be more ready to follow your
cause and live a chaste life
that I
will be a worthy temple of the
Holy Spirit. Amen."
(Fred G. Roark, Jr.)
Copyrighted. All rights

Alice's Legacy
Remembering Alice
"Handkerchief" has been
anointed and prayed over by
several believers who care
about you and want to help you
realize your full potential in
Christ Jesus Our Lord.
Ten Commandments~
