“Now Joshua the son of Nun sent
out two men from Acacia Grove to
spy secretly, saying, ‘Go, view the land, especially Jericho.’ So they
went, and came to the house of a
harlot named Rahab, and lodged
there….Then she let them down by
a rope through the window, for
her house was on the city wall;
she dwelt on the wall”
(Joshua 2:1, 15 NKJV).

For protection from their
enemies, Jericho was encased in
a wall around the city. Houses
were built into the wall and
became part of the wall
itself. Such was the house of
Rahab. Some commentaries say she
an inn, but she apparently also was a prostitute. The description of her
in Joshua 2:1 was a “harlot.” It was a perfect cover for the spies that
came to Jericho since she
probably had a lot of traffic in
and out of her place, and they
would have been able to gather
information from
Rahab and her patrons.

When word reached the king of
Jericho that two strange men
were at
her place, he suspected that they were spies and sent men to apprehend
them. She hid the spies and
later let them down the wall by
a rope from her house. Before
the spies left Rahab, they gave
her a promise that
they would not harm her or her
family when they invaded the
because of her kindness to them.
She had made a declaration of
in their God saying, “He is God
in heaven above and on earth
beneath” and related that the
inhabitants of Jericho were
of what they heard about the
Israelite God.

In return for her cooperation,
they assured her that her family
be spared providing she hang a scarlet cord from her window on the
city wall and have all her
family inside her house when
they conquered
the city. She believed them and hung the scarlet cord from her
window as insurance.

The day came when Joshua began
his seven-day march around the
to capture it and destroy its
occupants. The popular story of
the “Walls
of Jericho falling down” is well
known, even having songs written
about it.

Two amazing things happened on
the seventh day after the
march around the city walls.
One, the walls fell down “flat.”
(Joshua 6:20). I haven’t been able to locate information of the likely
dimensions of the wall, but it
would have been substantial
to ward off enemy attacks. Can you imagine the debris that the wall would
have created when it fell! It
would have been like climbing
over mountains of wall material
to enter the city. I recall one
giving his opinion of one possible explanation, and he could be right.
He said it’s possible that God just opened up a fissure in the earth
under the walls and they fell
down “flat” into the earth
allowing the attacking
Israelites to easily enter and
take the city. Whether that
happened or God “leveled the
falling debris so that it was
flat,” it
was His doing. Joshua was able
to completely conquer the city.

Secondly, “the house on the
wall” was still standing. Though
the walls
fell all around it, Rahab and
her family were safe inside her
“Go into the harlot’s house, and
from there bring out the woman
all that she has, as you swore to her” (Joshua 6:22 NKJV). Every
stone and every bit of mortar in
the wall crumbled and fell but
house on the wall” held and her family survived the annihilation
of the inhabitants.

There are so many “tidbits” of
lessons in this story, it would
hard to use them all in one article. Let’s look at some:

A basic one is acknowledging who
God is. Rahab had heard of the
“God of heaven and earth” and was in awe of His reputation. She recalled
all the things they had heard
about God leading Israel from
Egypt and His mighty works and
finally bringing them to their
She didn’t mention Moses and Joshua; she said they knew that
“the Lord” had dried up the Red
Sea, overcame their enemies and
brought them to her city. The
greatest witness we can give is
great our God is, not what we have accomplished, even with His help.
Let the world forget our names and organizations, but let them
never forget our God!

Rahab was faithful to hang the
scarlet cord out her window. She
didn’t know when they would be
coming, so she didn’t take a
chance. She
hung it out the window through which she had let them down. Just as
the Israelites painted blood on their door frames in Egypt to preserve
the lives of their firstborn sons, she relied on the scarlet cord to
protect her family. We don’t
know when the Lord is coming
back, so the only
safe place to be is under His
blood, forgiven and obediently
for His return.

She kept her family under the
protected roof of her house on
the wall. Remember the ark? Only
those who were sequestered
inside were
spared from the destructive
world flood. The scarlet cord,
house and the ark are types of
the safety we have in Christ. We
are confident that we are
completely safe as long as we
stay with Him.
We leave Him at our own peril. Only the people who were inside
Rahab’s house were saved. Had
they left, they would have
The occupants of her house were taken outside the accursed city and
escaped the holocaust that
followed the invasion, because
they stayed
in the house in the wall and
were under the protection of the
scarlet cord.

Her house stood when all around
her was falling down. Is your
on the wall” secure? Will it stand when the world falls apart? Is
the cord hanging out the window
to identify you as “one of His”?

The evangelistic message is that
she saved her household from
destruction. Of course, Jesus is
the Savior; but we can give our
loved ones a message of hope to
cling to when their walls are
falling down around them. There
is only one way they can be
saved: They must
accept the message that Jesus is
the Way, the Truth and the Life.
He made the Way; He is the Truth
and He gives Life to all who
come to Him and stay. Rahab’s
family had to believe the
she gave them about staying in her house or they would not
have survived.

Where will your house be when
you hear the shout after the
sound of
the trumpet and the walls fall down? It will be too late to find safety
once they begin to fall. Preparations have to be made now while
there is time and Grace is still available. Hang the scarlet cord
(Jesus’ blood) over your soul,
gather your loved ones and be

Now, you’ve hung out the scarlet
cord, you have given your family
the message and you are waiting for the Lord’s return—but the walls
of your life are crumbling and falling down. What do you do? First,
you remember that God is still
God and His Word is reliable. It
doesn’t matter if every stone in the wall by your house has sunk
into the ground or lies in a pile of rubble, the house will stand!
Stay in “the house on the wall”
with the scarlet cord visible.
cannot cross the blood of Jesus.
There is nothing whimsical about
what God says. His Word is
always true and forever

“No temptation has overtaken you
except such as is common to man;
but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what
you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of
escape, that you may be able to
bear it”
(1 Corinthians 10:13 NKJV).

GOD IS FAITHFUL! Stay in the
“house on the wall” until He
comes. Under the protection of
the scarlet cord (the blood of
Jesus) is the only safe haven
when the walls of the world
begin to crumble.
Delores Adams
July 19, 2003
Copyrighted. All rights

Alice's Legacy
Remembering Alice
Bible Studies
The "Handkerchief" has been
anointed and prayed over by
several believers who care about
you and want to help you realize
your full potential in Christ
Jesus Our Lord.
Ten Commandments~