There is no one like a mother. Whether she gave birth
and life to us or if we came alive in her heart, she has a
special place in our hearts. It is unfortunate that we have to
 grow up to realize how special she is and how much she
means to us. In retrospect, we can see her love and all the
sacrifices she made for her family when we were under her
 wings and we were so self-absorbed with the many changes
 that were taking place in our lives as we grew and matured.

What we didn’t know was that she was growing too. Mothers
don’t come ready-made. They learn from their mistakes and bad judgment calls, but somehow we felt she should always know
just what we needed, how and when; and of course
 catering to our whims and desires without making
mistakes or displeasing us.

That’s why a mother’s love is so much like God’s. She knew
 what was needed and only wanted what was best for us.
She had to make decisions that we disapproved of and
even rebelled against. That is how God looks after us.
He knows what we need and wants the very best life
can give us, and all He asks is that we trust Him.

God had given us many examples in His Word of mothers that were models for their children. It was not a mistake or accident that our mother was given to us. God knew what He was doing. He has also given us many “other mothers” who have guided our lives with their prayers, friendship and mentoring.

Ruth was a Moabitess who had married the son of Naomi
when Naomi’s family took refuge in her homeland during
a severe famine in Israel. While living in the foreign land,
 Naomi lost both her sons and her husband and was left
with her two daughters-in-law. The evidence is very
strong that Naomi had been “like a mother” to her sons’
 wives. When Naomi decided to return home after the famine,
she planned to leave the in-laws behind in their own native land.
 One did agree to stay, but not Ruth. She had formed such an attachment to her mother-in-law that she insisted on returning
to a land that would be foreign to her, Israel, with Naomi.
She adapted herself to the ways of Naomi’s life and
chose to follow her God. From then on, Naomi was
 “like a mother” to her (Ruth 1, 2).

Moses was born in a dangerous time for babies. Pharaoh
had decreed that all Jewish boy babies be killed as soon as
 they were born. His mother made provisions for him to be
 hidden for three months, but as he grew she had to develop
 a better plan to save his life. She hid him in a waterproof
ark in the bulrushes of the river. It was there that the daughter of Pharaoh found him and adopted him as her own and became
“like a mother” to him. In God’s providential plan, He
arranged for Moses’ own mother to be his wet nurse
and nanny. After he was weaned and began to grow, he
 was returned to Pharaoh’s palace where he received all
 the advantages of being the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
 She was “like a mother” to him as God prepared him
for the monumental task that lay ahead of him to set
the Hebrew slaves free (Exodus 2).

Though I was blessed with a loving, godly mother, God has
 wonderfully blessed me with other godly women who have
been “like a mother” to me. I have spent much time honoring
 my mother on my Heart 2 Heart website and on our Adams
Family website. I don’t take anything away from that by
honoring others who have been “like a mother” to me.

One of my “other mothers” is a life-long friend, Myrtle Lee Venters.

We have been friends since I was about five years old and
she was pregnant with her first child.  We lived upstairs in
a duplex, and she and her husband lived downstairs. This
 woman who was “like a mother” talked to a little girl,
 who probably made a pest of herself with her many visits,
as a friend.  She never “talked down” to me, but our
 conversations were one-on-one as two people who loved
 each other.  My earliest memories of her are frying potatoes.

 She had a small cast iron “pot-bellied” coal stove with
a flat top. She would scrub the top; we would peel potatoes
 and “fry” them on the top. She would let me turn them
as they browned. Such a simple act, but it left me with pleasant memories.

At this writing, she is in her eighties, going on
50! Her mind is sharp, her wit is quick and her smile is
 infectious when I walk in her door. She told someone not long
 ago, that we had been friends all these years and had never
 had harsh words; and it is true. I lived across the road from
her when my husband and I moved back to Kentucky leaving
my parents in Michigan, so she just assumed a role “like
a mother” in my own mother’s absence that continues. Her
 deep faith is contagious and inspiring. She has been dubbed
“the Pope of her family.” I am sure the folks at her
 Burdine FreeWill Baptist Church feel the same way.

Another of these women was my aunt, my dad’s sister,
Wilma Adams Crase.

When my husband was killed suddenly in an occupational
 accident and left me a young widow, she became one of my
“other mothers.” My own parents lived in Michigan and I lived in Kentucky, so we had to limit our contacts to frequent phone calls, letters and vacation times. But Aunt Wilma lived in the same
town as I and filled in for my absent mother. Not many
Sundays passed that she didn’t have me at her home for lunch
 after church, on holidays and just-no-reason days. She never
 pushed me to “get over it” but had an ever listening ear and compassionate heart whenever I needed it. She was “just
there.” Their youngest daughter, Linda, was left legally blind
 after a brain tumor as a young child. They had a very loving
 and special relationship. The family was active in the First Baptist Church and their faith was lived out in their daily lives. After her husband’s death and Linda’s, Aunt Wilma moved to Lexington
and she has since left us too to join her husband and Linda.
 I miss her!

A very special friend who was “like a mother” was a co-worker, Charlcia V. Smith Taylor.

I met Charlica when I began working for the Board of
Education here in Jenkins. She was one of the most beloved
 teachers in the system, and she loved each of her third graders.
 She had no children of her own, so her students got the
 benefit of her motherly instincts. Eventually, she was asked
 to assume the position of instructional supervisor which threw us together in the superintendent’s office. That was the beginning
of a very special relationship for me with Charlcia and her husband, Charles. They had a pet name for each other, and it was
 “Sweetie” for both of them. I have never known a couple
whom the moniker of “Sweetie” fit better than those two.
 Charlcia and I had the pleasure of attending many education
 meetings out of town together and our friendship only grew stronger. After the death of my husband, Charles and Charlcia took me under their wings. They had not married until they were in their late
 twenties and she had not yet learned to cook, so they learned
 together; but Charles did most of the cooking. I can’t recall
how many times I received a phone call from Charles to
 come up and have breakfast with them, and many other meals. Periodically, Charlcia would invite me to go with her to Virginia
to a steak house, just the two of us; and we would catch up
 on each other’s news. We shared many things, personal
 and spiritual. She was a devoted Methodist and I Church
of God, but we had common ground in Christ. She was not
 only a friend but “like a mother” as well. She and Charles
 have left us too, and I miss them very much.

 This by no means exhausts my list of those who are and have
been “like a mother” to me, and I salute all of them.

As we honor our mothers, paying them the highest esteem, let us
not forget the beautiful women God has placed in our lives
 who have been “like a mother” to us

Thank God for Mothers!!—those who gave us life and/or
 reared us. Thank God for those women who are “like a
mother” to us! Let all of them know how much you
 appreciate them.

Delores Adams
April 4, 2005
Copyrighted. All rights reserved.

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